Well it is finally time to review another Marvel film, this time starring the Avenger from another world. Here is my review of
Thor: The Dark World, starring Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Eccleston, and many more great actor/actresses. In this film Thor is faced with an enemy that even Odin and the forces of Asgard cannot withstand. Thor must reunited with his beloved Jane Foster and his tricky brother to try and stop the forces of Malekith, the evil dark elf. He must sacrifice everything to save us all.
Now lets start of this review by me saying that this movie is freaking enjoyable. I enjoyed every single part of this movie, from the beginning to the end. That being sad lets talk about this movie. This movie brings back most of the original cast for an epic return to the world of Thor. Chris Hemsworth continues the role of the god of thunder, Thor. As said in my other review of,
Thor, he pulls of the role perfectly. When casting these Marvel movies the could not have done a better job. They got all amazing actors to portray these amazing roles. The breakout performance in this role again though would have the be Tom Hiddleston as the god of mischief, Loki. Tom Hiddleston as Loki is like Heath Ledger as the Joker in
The Dark Knight. They were practically born to play these roles and they do it just perfectly. I will get to more with Loki later though. Now the one performance in this movie, as I had also mentioned in my review of
Thor, that I wasn't really happy with was Natalie Portman's. My real issue with her is just that I could see any actress playing the role of her character. Natalie doesn't become the character, and really I just do not see her as Jane Foster. I don't know what it is, I just don't see her as this character. Other than that everyone else does a great job in this movie. I love how Kat Dennings was back in this movie, and the fact that she had a bigger role in this movie than I thought she was going to have. The last person I want to mention is Stellan Skargård as Dr. Erik Selvig. Again he pulls of the role and I could not have been happier with the twist they added to his character.
Moving on I want to mention the story of the movie. Let's start of by saying that I absolutely loved each and every single twist involved in this movie. Almost every single twist I never saw coming. I predicted some things before I went into the movie, and I thought I was right on several occasions but then I ended up being wrong because of the twist. I wasn't wrong with a few things though, I was right on a couple things. Now the only couple things I would have to complain about from this movie would have to be the fact that it left you hanging with a lot of things. The end scene you were like, "WHAT!?!?!" Then the end credit scene you were really confused with as well? I really hope we get a good explanation later, unlike the end credit scene with
The Avengers. We still really don't know how that is tying in with that scene yet. I thought this movie would, but so far there has been nothing. The last thing I wanted to mention about this screenplay would have to be that it is just your basic ordinary superhero movie storyline. There is nothing spectacular about it except the twists that are thrown in with the movie. I did like how the story was a lot more humorous though. The comedy in this movie worked and it was well enjoyed. Loki was really the star of the comedy in this movie, which I loved even more.
Now there are a few last minute things I do want to mention. These would include the visual effects, the cinematography, and then music. Yes as with almost every Marvel movie the special effects are pretty darn incredible, but I love a movie with good special effects. I can't stand a movie with bad special effects these days because we know the technology is there now and this movie proves it. I never noticed one bad special effect scene in this movie. Moving on to the cinematography of this movie I just really wanted to mention how I love the gritty look of the movie along with the whole feel the movie gave to the watcher. Kramer Morgenthau did a great job with this movie I will have to say, that is for sure. Now Brian Tyler did the musical score for this movie and he had also done the musical score for
Iron Man 3. I thought the music seemed similar, and lucky for Brian I loved the score from
Iron Man 3. So the score from this movie was just as good. It is one that I really would buy to listen to. I love the musical score of movies and this is another good one.
Summing up this review, I will say that
Thor: The Dark World is a very welcomed return to the world of Thor. It is super enjoyable and the action scenes are epic as heck! I will be seeing this movie in theaters again because I love Marvel movies and this is a great addition to the Avenger series! Now for the ratings I will have to say that this movie is a MUST-SEE FILM, if you are a Marvel fan and a fan of the Avenger series. Like I had said it is a great addition to the series.
Thor: The Dark World also deserves a buy on Blu-Ray rating. Now I did see this in 3D but really there is no need, so I will say that this movie is worth the ticket price for a movie night. So go out an see it, right NOW! Now for the rating out of 10 stars, I will have to say that it deserves an
8/10 star rating.
Well I am hoping that you have enjoyed this review of
Thor: The Dark World. It really is a good movie to go see in theaters. It really is worth it. Now make sure you stay tuned for more reviews. I have a couple movie waiting to get reviewed. So make sure you stay tuned for those reviews . . . coming soon!
Noah Mark Bitney