Monday, September 9, 2013


The Motion Picture Buff would like the present a review for the motion picture, The Core. This movie came out in November of 2002. It is about how inside of the core of our planet has stopped spinning. Without it spinning the world will come to an end and soon. They must go into the Earth's crust to save all of us. 

First of I want to say that I really did enjoy this movie quite a darn bit. It was intriguing and I LOVED the premise behind it. It was very interesting and I honestly could not take my eyes off the screen. Movies about the end of the world have always gave me some interest because it is just kind of cool to think of all the different things that could happen one day. The acting in the movie was decent. I am not going to say great because there were some points where each one of the actors could have done a little bit better with their performances. The actors and actresses who are in this movie include: Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Stanley Tucci, Richard Jenkins, and many more. They all do okay for what the movie is. I found it to be an enjoyable disaster movie. There are a lot of disaster movies out there, but I would have to say this would definitely hit some of my top ten disaster movies. The action keeps you on your toes and there is a part of you that actually does care about the characters that you learn about. I loved the science behind it. I mean yeah sure it probably isn't at all truthful but I still enjoyed it. 

Now what did I hate about this movie . . . well for starters the special effects sucked! For a movie from 2002 I still did not expect them to be that bad, but they were just absolutely terrible. Everything thing looked fake. The acting wasn't great either. Aaron Eckhart wasn't the best with the really emotional parts. I didn't believe it when he was sad, it just wasn't good. He just didn't seem real enough. All the actors in this movie could have done better, but they weren't terrible. Now the story in this movie of course is choppy and ridiculous, but remember it is a disaster movie. 

All-in-all this movie is a pretty darn enjoyable for what it is. I would say it is a perfect popcorn movie night movie. It was perfect for that last night when I watched it. I wouldn't buy it on blu-ray, but it is DVD buy worthy. Out of a ten rating I would have to give it a 7/10 rating. It was pretty darn good. 

Well I hope you have enjoyed this review of The Core. Go check the movie out one night when you need a good enjoyable disaster film. Stay tuned here for more reviews coming. Thanks for reading everyone!

Noah Mark Bitney 

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