Friday, October 18, 2013

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl REVIEW

Well welcome back to the Motion Picture Buff again. Today I would like to present a review for the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. In this film an eccentric blacksmith teams up with notable and recently captured pirate, Captian Jack Sparrow, to save a girl to whom has been captured by a group of pirates that used to be Sparrow's allies.

Now most people I know have seen this movie before. You had to have seen it right? This is a classic film that everyone must see. Why? Well because it is literally a very enjoyable film that keeps you interested the whole way through. What about it is so interesting? Lets first talk about the cast in this film. Johnny Depp acts with serious perfection in this film. This is the role he was born to play because in movies he acts to today in, I still see a little bit of Jack Sparrow in his role (which isn't good). Anyway, Johnny Depp, plays the character of Captian Jack Sparrow, and they did a great job picking him for this role. I was glad to see Johnny getting a nomination for Best Actor Oscar for this role. Kiera Knightley is also in this film and I looked it up, she was only 17 years old when they did the filming for this film. For 17 years old, Kiera did a great job in this film. She is an amazing actress and this is where it practically all began. She just portrays the role of Elizabeth Swan amazingly. When picking the cast for this film, they could not have done a better job. I could go on and on about all the actors and actresses in this movie, but lets just say they all do a fantastic job with their roles to bring an amazing movie to us viewers. Some other notable people in this film would include: Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Lee Arenberg, and Jack Davenport.

Next I wanted to mention the story for this film. It is a decent story, its nothing grand and spectacular. It is an enjoyable ride though. I enjoy this movie every single time I watch it, and trust me, by now I have had to have seen this movie well over 20 times. Director, Gore Verbinski, does a great job with this film. He portrays the movie beautifully and he keeps us on our toes throughout the whole movie. At the end of the movie you are begging for more, which as most people know, we do get (more on that later though). The cinematography in this movie is really good to. I love the way the movie looks and feels. It has the right look and feel for it, I wouldn't want it any other way.

The last few things I want to mention about this movie are probably what I love most about the Pirates of the Caribbean films. The musical score for this film is just wonderful. Klaus Bedelt does a great job setting up the perfect theme song for a good series of movies to come. The rest of the score as well is just perfect for the film. I can find myself humming songs from this movie all the time, especially right after watching it. Now the other thing I want to mention is just how enjoyable this movie is. It has all the right pieces to a perfect popcorn movie. It has humor, action, adventure, romance, and just a kickass cast pulling of the wittiest of characters. It may not be a perfect film, but it is a sure enjoyable ride.

Now rating this movie I will give Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl a well deserved popcorn movie night rating. It also deserves a must-see film rating because personally I think everyone must-see this film. It is for sure a instant classic. People will be enjoying this movies for years and years, as they already have been. It is a film you will watch over and over again, and so it does get a buy on Blu-Ray rating as well. Now for the rating out of ten stars I will give, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, a 8/10 star rating. 

Well I hope you have enjoyed this review of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Stay tuned for the reviews for the other films in this great series. Make sure you also stay tuned for reviews of other movies and of awesome movie news. If you have been enjoying, the Motion Picture Buff, make sure to like us on Facebook right . . . HERE! If you would like to chime in and tell me what you thought, comment to me on Facebook, or even leave a comment in the section below. Thanks again for reading and stay tuned for more . . . coming soon.

Noah Mark Bitney

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