Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Last Night REVIEW

The "Motion Picture Buff" presents a review for the film, "Last Night," starring Sam Worthington, Keira Knightley, Guillaume Canet, and Eva Mendes. This film was wonderful in my opinion, and I would give it a 8/10. For a guy, I do love to watch romantic movies, and I do tend to love the for some odd reason. Now though, lets get to this review.

Well lets get the little bad things out of the way first shall we, and then we can end this movie on a positive note. Well one thing I did not like was Eva Mendes in this movie, I really didn't like her acting very much in this film. Plus she kind of readily annoyed me when she was on screen. Normally I like her, but not in this film (her acting seemed kind of forced). Now the other thing that docked this film down a point was the ending (but at the same time I like it, know what I mean). I do not want to give it away, but let me just say, "I HATE those kind of endings."

Now for the positives. I really liked the transitions in this film. I thought they did a really good job with keeping up with both stories that were going on in this film, as that is what it is about. I really loved the plot of this film. I thought, Massy Tadjedin, did a very good job writing this film (along with directing). All of the love stories (which includes three of them) were very believable in my opinion, even though one really wasn't so much love as it was an attraction. I was shot out of my seat by Keira's performance as her character, Joanna. I also liked Guillaume's performance in this film. I thought these two did the greatest job in the film with acting. They just made me believe in there relationship. I also liked Griffin Dunne in this film, I thought he did a great job. The music in this film also set the tone very well. Going  back to the plot though now . . . I really liked what happened and the way it happened (trying not to give anything away here). I almost thought the end was going to be completely stupid. Mind you I hate the ending that happened, I hate it when movies use that kind of ending on you. Just irritates me, but at the same time they are really good endings. In a way they are the only way, and the perfect way to end the story. OKAY POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT DO NOT READ THE ITALICIZED WORDS: It is perfect because it makes you think, and I absolutely love it when a movie can make you think. I hate it because you wanna know what had happened, but I guess it is left for you to interpret. 

All-in-all a very VERY good film. I loved watching the love stories in this film. I was anxious the whole time waiting to see what was going to happen. So it definitely deserves it's 8/10 rating I gave it, just a few things that the movie needed to change. A defiant popcorn flick for you and your loved one.

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The Motion Picture Buff

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