Friday, June 22, 2012


The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the first installment in the Alien Anthology, Alien. I am going to give Alien a 7/10 on my scale. Now most people are going to rebel against this and say I should be giving it a 9-10/10. But there are some grips I had about this movie, but all-in-all it was a very good film.

Since I had very few bad things to say about this movie I will start with the negatives and end on a positive note. The main negative (but also a positive in some spots) about this movie in my opinion was how they dragged out scenes. Like in the beginning where they are just showing the empty space shuttle. I mean really, it was super boring and I was considering this movie to be dumb already. Of course though I was corrected later on. It lost a point on that though, and then they used it later on and it lost another point due to that. Then there were just little things that bothered me, very infinitesimal things so a 7/10.

Now for the positives of this very good film. I loved, LOVED the actors and actresses in this film. I thought Sigourney Weaver KILLED as Ellen Ripley. She definitely was made for that part. Ian Holm did a GREAT job with the robot Ash. Everyone I think did a great job. Now for a good positive from the dragging things out. It helped create the suspense needed for the scary parts. Oh and trust me when I watched this with my sister we were both freaking out. I literally strangled my pillow that night. So the film did an amazing job with its suspense and horror section. It was also greatly written and directed by the great Ridley Scott. So thank you for a very good motion picture Ridley. Oh and more more thing I would like to comment on about the film was that Jerry Goldsmith did a great job with the score.

Again though all-in-all a very good film with great acting, but some parts that can get a little long and boring. It gets a well deserved 7/10 on my scale. So it is a definite movie that you will have to pick up on DVD or Blu-Ray to watch one night when you want a sic-fi or horror. A good popcorn flick.

Now make sure you stay tuned in on the blog more reviews will be coming soon, will try and make one  at least once a day. You can see what movie you might want to watch next using the blog here, and when I create a whole bunch of reviews you can just search in the sidebar there and see what I have said about a movie you want to watch. So you can be a "Motion Picture Buff" too. I also will be putting up posts about movie I will be reviewing soon and TOP movie news! So stay tuned and subscribe by email in the side bar.

The Motion Picture Buff

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