Saturday, June 30, 2012

My Week with Marilyn REVIEW

The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the motion picture, "My Week with Marilyn." Let me just say that I LOVE this film. It was just outstanding for many of reasons, so I gets the worthy rating of a 9/10. I say with my ratings that with 9-10/10's (some 8's can make it) are defiantly Oscar worthy, and holy crap this movie is/was defiantly that. So lets talk about Marilyn shall we?

Well lets get the stupid little annoyance I had with the film out of the way shall we? Um what was with the love story between Colin and Lucy (Emma Watson's character)? It really had no relevance in this film I feel like. I mean Emma did an amazing job, but he was in love with her and then BAM. Nope that relationship in his head is just over after awhile (sorry about the spoilers there). I will not say anymore though, as not to give anything away. That was my only thing I had to say negative about the film, otherwise . . .

OH MY GOD! Michelle Williams, Kenneth Branagh, Julia Ormond, and every single actor/actress in this film did such an AMAZING job. Michelle Williams, in my opinion, was Marilyn. I was just shocked by her performance. I felt like just wow, I thought this whole movie was just real to me. Everyone acting in the film just did an outstanding job. Kenneth was just the best too. Great job everyone. The script was just beautiful. It portrayed Marilyn's life great, and what had happened with the making of this film. It was spectacular. The direction of this film was done great, by a Mr. Simon Curtis. Thanks you Mr. Curtis for making such an excellent film, that I enjoyed every second of. Of course its not just him that makes the movie though. I want to thank everyone who had a part in making this movie. This movie made me think of how I want to be Colin Clark. I want to help make a movie, even if it means being the 3rd Assistant Director, and getting people there coffee. This movie just shows you also the life of a famous person, like Marilyn or Sir Lawrence. It may seem like all fun and games but it really it isn't all that. It does take a lot of work to be a great actor/actress. One more thing to say though. I thought this film would be boring, and I was kind of dreading watching it, but the film defiantly made me love it very much.

Well all-in-all really doesn't sum up this movie. Sure this movie is a "tour-de-force" as some people would like to call it, but it sure is a very good film that portrays great modern actors, acting as great classic actors. It defiantly deserves it's 9/10 rating I gave it. It surely is a "Must-See movie" along with a great popcorn flick.

Well make sure you subscribe by email in the sidebar to know when I update the blog next, if you haven't already done that. Comment below though on your thoughts about "My Week with Marilyn" if you have seen it also if you would like. Now make sure you stay tuned, there will be more reviews coming soon, that can help you become a "Motion Picture Buff" too.

The Motion Picture Buff

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