Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man REVIEW

The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the reboot film of a series loved by many, "The Amazing Spider-Man," which stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. We all know the classic tale of Spider-Man right? A high school student named, Peter Parker, (Andrew's Character) gets bit by a biological spider and develops spiderlike powers that he uses to fight crime. That is really the basic Spider-Man story. So shall we review this new retelling of a classic tale?

Lets start with the positives of this film because there were many! The first thing I want to say is that this Spider-Man story is way better told that Sam Raimi's story told back in 2002 with, "Spider-Man."  The story line of this film just follows a more believable story of events, and like a lot of people have said, "It stays truer to the story of Spider-Man." Moving on to acting from this film. Let me just say that Andrew Garfield was meant to play Spider-Man. He just pulls off that cocky tone Spider-Man has, but when Andrew needs to be serious for his role he can pull that off greatly also. Andrew and Emma have amazing chemistry together. It was literally so believable. Its like I think they should be dating in the real world but I remembered this is just there acting for this movie. The guy who played Dr. Curt Connors, who is actually played by, Rhys Ifans, does an incredible job. He was meant to play him as well. Then there is Emma Stone as her character Gwen Stacy. She does it really well. It seems like Emma always does an incredible job in her movies. I cannot think of one movie where she is bad at her role? Now Gwen Stacy's dad, Captian Stacy is played by, Denis Leary, and let me just say he can played a cop. Now I remember sitting in the theater thinking that the score of this movie is just incredible, and when I am done here I have to look that up. I didn't have to wait though, because we were watching the credits because in Marvel movie's there is always that extra clip right? Well I saw that one of my favorite composers did this movie and I want to say props to James Horner for putting together an excellent score. I most definitely will have to buy that sometime. The rest of this film like the directing was all great. 

With almost every movie though there has to be some negatives to it. I have a short list of negatives for this film though. Starting with the fact that I felt like this movie revealed Spider-Man's true identity to to many people. That kind of bothered me. Then there was the fact that this movie could be a little slow at some points where I was like, "Come on, get to the point here." Then probably the last negative I have is that I feel like there was no build up to Peter becoming Spider-Man. It was just like "Blurp, I am Spiderman." So yeah that bothered me. 

All-in-all though this movie is defiantly better than the original Spider-Man films created to you by Sam Raimi years ago. It is 100% a must-see film. So if you haven't seen it in theaters yet, you are missing out. Make sure you check it out before it is gone. If so make sure you buy it on Blu-Ray when that comes out. For a rating it will receive a 4 out of 5. 

Well again thanks for reading. Now make sure you stay tuned though, I have some new things coming to the blog today (if Wifi cooperates with me). Make sure you spread the word about the blog (if you enjoy it. It helps me greatly, more than you know. Also make sure, if you haven't, that you subscribe to the blog here by email in the sidebar to the right. Once subscribed you will receive emails once I update the blog with a new post. So make sure you do that. Also you only have like two days left to vote on the most recent poll, so make sure you do that. Again though thanks for reading, and make sure you stay tuned for more . . . coming soon. 

The Motion Picture Buff 

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