Wednesday, July 4, 2012


The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the motion picture, "In Time" starring Justin Timberlake. This film is about how time is currency, and the fact that once you turn 25 you stop aging and have one more year to get more time. If you want to buy a cup of coffee it will cost you minutes on your time you have to live. This follows the story of Will, played by Justin Timberlake. This film came out October 28, 2011. I am going to be giving this movie a 6/10 rating. Here is why . . .

To start of the negatives of this film I am going to have to say that I really didn't like the costume and make-up in this film really. I know it is supposed to be futuristic and different from our time, but for some reason it just all seemed to weird for me. I kept focusing on this question in my head, "What and why are they wearing this?" Another thing that bothered me was the acting in this film, some of it was good, but I really hated Amanda Seyfried's performance in this film. She annoyed me the whole way through the film. I dunno I just had a hard time believing in her character with her performance. Justin Timberlake and everyone else did an okay job, but I feel like this was a weak cast for a great idea for a film. Which leads me to the fact that this film had an amazing premise, but I feel like they wasted the idea, but more on that later because . . .

The positives of this film include that this film had a great story to it. It all seemed very interesting. This film had me wanting to see it from the trailer (even though I never saw it in theaters unfortunately). They played the idea good I thought, but it could have been better. I expected more I guess. This leads me to the fact that they seemed to explain the system of currency/life in this universe very well. I did like how they explained it and showed it in this film. The action in this film was very good though, kept me on edge in some scenes. The storyline went along really nicely all the parts of the movie seemed to connect logically. The movie kept me interested in what was going to happen. At some times it kept me on the edge of my seat cheering for them, and the ending didn't happen the way I thought it would so it wasn't predictable (which I really like in a film). I like a film that isn't original and won't do what every other film in history would've done, like the ending in the movie I reviewed earlier, "Buried." I may have hated it but I loved it because it wasn't what I expected (unpredictable). Which helps a movie be some what enjoyable.

So all-in-all, "In Time" was a good movie just wasn't as good as I expected it to be. An okay movie to watch for a popcorn night, you will enjoy it but nothing spectacular. So yeah it is a popcorn flick that gets the rating on my scale, a 6/10.

Well you are now one step closer to becoming a "Motion Picture Buff." If you have seen "In Time" comment below on your thoughts of this film or email me HERE. Make sure you subscribe to the blog by email in the sidebar so you know when I update the blog with another review or some important movie related information. I do want to say thanks though to my avid readers (or avid readers to become). I never thought I would have already over 400 page-views within two weeks of starting this blog (goal is to have 500 by two week mark now). I hope you have been enjoying my reviews, and you continue to read them as I continue to write more of them for you. I have a passion for movies, and I am just spreading my passion through these reviews. So thanks again for reading, and make sure you stay tuned for more.

The Motion Picture Buff

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