It's that time of the week already . . . time for a new TRAILER OF THE WEEK. This week's trailer is for a romantic comedy starring Justin Long, A Case of You. This film has already been out at a film festival back in April of 2013, but will be getting another release (a limited one) on November 6th. This film is about a young writer who tries to impress a girl he meets online with an embellished profile. She ends up falling for him which leaves him in a mess because he has to keep up the act.
Well now why did I pick this trailer to be this week's trailer of the week. Hm well it is really simple actually. I absolutely am a sucker for romantic movies, and this one got my attention right away to be honest. I think Justin Long is a decent enough actor and it seems like he might do a good job in this movie. I like the story of how he is putting on a charade to impress this girl, but then she ends up falling for the fake him instead of the real him. I am curious to see where this movie could go. When looking at this movie on IMDb, it does not seem like it has a good rating, it has a 5.1/10 star rating, but that does not mean it will be bad. I have seen movies on IMDb before with like a four star rating and I absolutely loved it. With movies it is usually just your opinion no matter what anyone else says. It is all based on your personal opinion of the movie.
So, A Case of You, is a movie that is definitely going to go in must-see list. I will keep it on my radar because it seems like a good romantic movie, and I just LOVE romantic movies. Yeah I might be a guy but I am a sucker for them. Well what did you think of this week's choice for a trailer? What kind of movie would you like to see on next week's trailer. Stay tuned to find out and for more reviews . . . coming soon.
Noah Mark Bitney
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