Thursday, October 3, 2013

Captian America: The First Avenger REVIEW

The Motion Picture Buff would like to present a review of Captian America: The First Avenger. This film is about a man who is a solider at heart but is deemed unfit to serve. After countless of attempts to be enlisted he is chosen to become a new breed of super soldiers. This turns him into a solider who is branded by the USA to defend the United States, becoming the worlds first superhero.

So I am going to go out and say it that this Avenger film would have to be my least favorite. Like I had said in my Thor review, this film has way to much of a comic book feel to it. It is really childish and just silly. The whole feel of this movie just does not seem to be right in my opinion. This movie has a hard time trying to find what it exactly wants to be in my opinion. At one point it is focused one thing, but then it moves to the next and then the next. The movie (in my opinion) does not flow smoothly together. It seems choppy. The other thing about this movie is that it is boring. The villain (played by Hugo Weaving) is acted well by Hugo, but you don't care about the villain. He doesn't seem to have a reason for what he is doing and you don't get enough action with him.

Moving on I do like who they picked for the Captian America in this film. Chris Evans has been in a Marvel film before, as the Human Torch in Fantastic Four. He is a good superhero actor and it is nice to see him in a lead role. He pulls of the emotionality that is Captian Rodgers. Captian Rodgers isn't just some arrogant person who got picked to be a super solider, he was a wimpy kid who was shorter than most women even. Chris Evans did a great job. Most of the acting in the film was done great. They picked the right cast for this film. Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Stanley Tucci, Sebastian Stan, and many other were all just great in this film. The other things I did like about this movie was, how it really tied the rest of the Avenger movies together. The way they played out the movies actually did work and I am glad that Captian America: The First Avenger was the last one right before The Avengers. The last thing I wanted to mention was that I actually did enjoy the cinematography in this movie. It seemed to work for the feel this movie was giving off.

Now all-in-all Captian America: The First Avenger was a decent movie that with quite a few tweeks could have been a lot better. I mean it is a fine addition to the Avengers franchise, but it could have been a lot better. I will of course give this movie a must-see rating because it is a must-see in order to see The Avengers. I would say that it is really only rent worthy though, or I will go even as high as a DVD buy worthy. It works for a movie night, but its not a movie you want to watch over and over again, it is just not that good. As for the rating I will give Captian America: The First Avenger a 6/10 rating.

Well before I close this I want to say sorry about the lateness of this review, I hope you do enjoy it. I am trying to do more reviews . . . so I hope you will stay tuned for those. I plan on seeing Gravity tomorrow night so stay tuned later tomorrow night and into Saturday for the review of that movie. I am really excited for that movie. So again stay tuned for more . . . coming soon.

Noah Mark Bitney

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