Tuesday, July 10, 2012

V for Vendetta REVIEW

The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to say one thing, "Remember remember, the fifth of November." Just kidding, I would like to present my review for the motion picture "V for Vendetta." The above quote (if you do not know) is from the film, and let me say that this film is absolutely amazing. This film is about a shadowy freedom fighter known as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally. For this review though I am going to do things a little differently (maybe from now on) . . .

Now lets talk about the positives of this film first shall we? Well let me just say the script of this film was absolutely beautiful. Everything seemed to just fit right where it should have. The dialogue created by the screenwriters (Andy and Lana Wachowski) was just absolutely brilliant. The character V was just brilliant. He was just so badass. I am glad they told us his whole story. I do want to say now though now that I am on the topic of V, Hugo Weaving (guy who played V) was 100% MADE to be V. Natalie Portman also did a great job as Evey. She definitely outperformed herself! All the acting really in this film was just outstanding. It was a brilliant cast for this movie. Now, I do love when I movie throws the unexpected at you too, so there was part in the end that I really did like how it played out. The whole movie was played out perfectly as I kind of said earlier. The director of this film, James McTeigue, did a great job at delivering us a great film, so thank you. This movie will keep you on your toes from beginning to end, you honestly will not really want it to end. I absolutely loved this film.

Now I only had like one or two minor things to say against this movie. There were some scenes that were a bit confusing, like the beginning. I never really got that part? I do think I had something to do with it, but I never really got or understood the connection between the events? Really thought the only other thing I really had against this movie was that it should have explained more about what had happened to lead this world into the way it was. It did but coulda done better I thought maybe?

So instead of giving my rating away at the beginning, I am going to put it at the end so you can think about what I might rate this movie. I also will no longer be linking my ratings to the hit movie website IMDb. I am going with my own rating system now, instead of out of 10 I will be only going out of 5. Plus I am going to add 0.5 into my system as well. So what is "V for Vendetta"going to get? I am going to rate it of course as a must-see film, and its rating is a 4.5/5. Go look for this movie on Netflix, at your local Walmart, or wherever you get your movies. It is AMAZING!

Well thanks for reading again, you are getting ever more close to becoming a "Motion Picture Buff" too. Make sure you are subscribed by email in the sidebar so you know when I do another review or some important information in the motion picture world. You can see what movie I will be reviewing next possibly HERE if you want. You should also leave a comment below on your thoughts of "V for Vendetta" if you have seen it before. One last thing I want to say is I only changed the way I do reviews now was to make it more me. Thanks for reading, spread the word about the review site here, and stay tuned . . .

The Motion Picture Buff

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