Friday, September 7, 2012

The Words REVIEW

The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the motion picture "The Words" which opened this weekend. In this film a writer at the top of his literary success must realize the price he has got to pay for stealing another man's work.

So shall we start of with the positives from this film? Well I am going to say firstly that I throughly enjoyed this film. The premise of this film was great, that is what had brought me into this wanting to see this movie. Did this movie do the premise justice? Well since I am talking about it in the positive section I am sure you can assume that yes it did. The story line this movie took was incredible and I felt like it flowed perfectly. I like how well the movie went in between each story that it was telling. It kept up with each three of its stories pretty well, and I like how it all connected together. The direction of this film was good too, and that is probably what had helped flow good. The acting from Bradley Cooper was just outstanding, he always seems to do a very good job in any film he is in. Jeremy Irons also was perfect for his character. I loved how good he was with the emotions of his character. At some points you really feel sorry for him, but at the same time you do understand why Bradley's character, Rory, did what he did. The two actors here did an amazing job with there performances and made me really enjoy this movie more. I will not forget though of course Zoƫ Saldana, Olivia Wilde, and Dennis Quad's performances too. They also did a really good job. I had also like the costumes for this film. Now if I mention costumes for a movie (which is very RARE) they have got to be good, otherwise I would never really mention them. Oh I do want to mention that I also thought the score of the film did a good job of adding the tone to the film.

What really had bugged me about this film was three things that were pretty major. The first thing I want to mention is that this movie had theses scenes where they moved extremely slow. You were sitting there watching what was happening and all I could think to myself was, "Okay now show me the next part, cut to something a little more interesting." I just felt like some shots in the film were too long. The next thing I wanted to talk about was that the only conflict really in this film didn't really seem to shine! It seemed like there could have been a big conflict, but then it didn't become one and the conflict it ran with was never really solved. The last thing was the ending of this film . . . it just seemed to end. Just bam all of a sudden you knew it was going to end.

So all-in-all this film had a good premise and seemed to do a very good presenting it in an enjoyable film. "The Words" just seemed to have some slower parts to it and the ending was a little disappointing. I would have to say it is "DVD buy worthy" its something that you and your girl (or for you ladies reading, for you and your guy) to enjoy which you will. It has a couple good love stories in it that you wouldn't expect. You might want to watch it again someday, but I am not going to say it is a "must-see film." I enjoyed it quite a bit, and on a scale out of five I will give "The Words" a three out of five.

Well thanks for reading, I am hoping that you enjoyed this review and I hope you can too go enjoy "The Words." Now coming soon are reviews for a eight movie series . . . I have been anxiously been waiting to do these reviews. I won't be releasing them all at once, it will be over a time period of three days. Just thought I would keep you informed, so make sure you stay tuned for those reviews, and for more . . . coming soon.

The Motion Picture Buff

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