Friday, September 21, 2012


The "Motion Picture Buff" would like to present a review for the motion picture, "Iron Man" starring Robert Downey Jr. In this film legendary weapons specialist and inventor, Tony Stark, is threatened with his life. He builds an armored iron suit in a cave to escape. After that he decides to use its technology to fight against evil.

Well lets get the long list of positives out of the way right? Ha well I want to say right now that Robert Downey Jr. was literally a perfect match for Tony Stark. I can not imagine anyone playing that character any better than him. Just an outstanding performance there. I did love the performance by Gwyneth Paltrow. She did a pretty good job. I do want to move onto the story line and the screenplay which I thought was amazing. This story is just a great opening to a great superhero movie. It keeps you interested and just wanting more which I love in a script. I did also think that the humor in this movie was very well done, which is a big deal because I think movies usually do a bad job with humor.  The music/score of the film was decent so I thought I would mention it. I thought it did a good job with adding something to the film. The director of this film was Jon Favreau, and let me just say that he did an amazing job with this story and with the way he presented the film. The angle of the cameras and just everything was great. Jon Favreau also did a good job with the action scenes. I thought those were well done. I do like how he was in the film too, I thought he did a good job as Tony's security guard. The special effects of this film are also something to comment on as they did get nominated for an Oscar. I never even noticed it throughout the entire film which is the best kind of special effects.

Moving onwards to the negatives. Well for acting I did not like Terrace Howard and Jeff Bridges in this film. I just feel like they didn't fit there parts very well. Then there is the end battle which I thought was WAY to rushed. Like HUGE HUGE build up throughout the film and then like a three minute end battle. I always find that annoying. The movie was running on two hours but that doesn't mean cut into the big battle.

So all-in-all what is "Iron Man" going to get? Well it is a great beginning film to what could be a great franchise for a superhero. It will get a Blu-Ray buy-worthy rating along with it being a great popcorn flick. This film will even get a 100% deserved must-see film. It is a really good superhero movie . . . which are rare. As for the rating out of five, "Iron Man" deserves a 4/5 rating.

Well thank you for reading this review of "Iron Man" and also thank you for the support here on the blog. I hope that you enjoyed the review. I want to mention that you can now "Like" 'The Motion Picture Buff' on now . . . just click HERE if you want to, or you can even click the like button in the sidebar. Check it out!!! The more likes the better! So make sure you stay tuned now for more . . . coming soon.

The Motion Picture Buff

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